Classic Who’s most iconic episode is only the second serial ever made. And it’s a timeless examination of war, genocide and the perpetuation of violence.
My rewatch of Doctor Who begins with The Unearthly Child.
With all this talk about the Best of the Best I decided to take a minute to reflect on their dark mirror: the Worst of the Worst.
With Seo In-guk back from military service, it seemed an appropriate time to pen some Back finally from his military service, the extraordinary actor took his first part since the 2018 The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. With his newer fans diving back into his filmography, it seemed an appropriate time to pen some thoughts on a drama that may have contained his finest performance but was also a huge disappointment.
The 2007 drama, Pushing Daisies, is beautiful and delightful but upon rewatch a perfect kdrama.
I watched Logan’s Run for what was possibly the first time and was both impressed and unimpressed in equal measure. Does the 1976 film stand the test of time?
I finish up my reviews of 2021s best show, Beyond Evil, a piece of wonderfully produced television with fantastic performances.
Joo-won feels responsible for yet another death and is determined that his pursuit of the case will not risk any more lives. But with Dong-shik back in the game, the two can now try to find out what happened 20 years ago and how it resulted in what’s happening now.
There’s been a lot of talk of cancelling childhood at the moment, which made me wonder how I’d respond to watching a beloved show from my childhood: 21 Jump Street.
Since the premiere of the new Korean drama, Doom At Your Service, responses to the drama have been extremely polarising. So I started wondering if there were some common elements around who liked or hated it, some element of demographics that could shed some light on dramatic preferences. So I did what I like to do now and then and ran a poll.