The 2007 drama, Pushing Daisies, is beautiful and delightful but upon rewatch a perfect kdrama.
Year: 2021
I watched Logan’s Run for what was possibly the first time and was both impressed and unimpressed in equal measure. Does the 1976 film stand the test of time?
I finish up my reviews of 2021s best show, Beyond Evil, a piece of wonderfully produced television with fantastic performances.
Joo-won feels responsible for yet another death and is determined that his pursuit of the case will not risk any more lives. But with Dong-shik back in the game, the two can now try to find out what happened 20 years ago and how it resulted in what’s happening now.
There’s been a lot of talk of cancelling childhood at the moment, which made me wonder how I’d respond to watching a beloved show from my childhood: 21 Jump Street.
Since the premiere of the new Korean drama, Doom At Your Service, responses to the drama have been extremely polarising. So I started wondering if there were some common elements around who liked or hated it, some element of demographics that could shed some light on dramatic preferences. So I did what I like to do now and then and ran a poll.
As the second half of Beyond Evil opens, it emphasises this repetition of purgatory. Despite Kang Jin-mook’s arrest, the residents of this small town are no closer to knowing what happened to their loved ones. Despite all the frantic action, nothing has really changed and these episodes embody that: almost like the opening of a season 2.
The beautiful drama Navillera was not just about how it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. It was an emotional catharsis that made us sob in only the best way.
So get your tissues ready for the ten times the Navillera finale broke our hearts and then stitched them back together again.
One of the most powerful things about the writing in Beyond Evil is the way in which it weaves imagery to produce a consistent emotional impact. The song If You Go To Busan croons beneath the surface; a subtle note underneath everything that happens.
To call this a mid-season finale is an understatement. Beyond Evil wraps up its (apparent) main plotline, leaving us and our main characters confused and lost as to what comes after. But as Han Joo-won and Lee Dong-shik finally get their man, they discover that the hard work of getting closure for his crimes might just be starting.