The Past is Another Country: Someday One Day Episode 13

When I was in highschool in the 1990s, I used to have a Walkman. And on that Walkman I used to play tapes. It was only later – much later – that this turned into a Discman and eventually an iPod.

But for most of my formative adolescence, I used to play tapes. No matter how much my musical taste has changed and evolved over the years, I still have a nostalgic response to that music. But those tapes – like my youth – are gone.

This feeling – that of our complex yet nostalgia-soaked past triggered by the music of our past – is one that the Taiwanese drama Someday or One Day so brilliantly encapsulates. And there’s a reason why the show harks back to the 1990s and why it uses tape.

How ‘I’m Not a Robot’ ruined Korean dramas for me

It’s been two years now since I’m Not a Robot (INAR) aired in Korea. And as we near the anniversary of its final episode, I’m finally ready to talk about the terrible impact this romantic comedy has had on my life. 

As hard as it is to admit, and even harder as it is to believe: INAR was possibly the worst thing that ever happened to me. It ruined Kdrama for me, possibly forever.

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