This is the fifth year I’ve been running this poll and it seems time to give it a name. As of now, the End of Year Poll is officially The Dragon Poll!
To celebrate – and with all due acknowledgement of the metaphysical crisis it causes – I’m introducing everyone to the pink dragon in my kitchen… or would be, if the dragon weren’t invisible and the existence of the dragon neither proven nor disproven. It’s an artist’s rendering of what the dragon undoubtedly looks like – if it definitely existed. Which we can never know for sure.

The Best and Worst of Korean Dramas in 2023
As we head towards the end of the year, it’s time to start thinking about this year in dramas. How did you feel about 2023? What did you like? Hate? What made you laugh and made you cry and made you swoon?
We’re going to do something a little bit different this year and lead up to the poll with a series of posts talking about this year’s dramas and what we’re planning. As usual, it’s not just the Royal We – I have my team of beta testers all armed and ready to test the poll and make sure we canvass the full wonder of this year of Korean dramas. Thank you all in advance!
But this is also your chance to influence the poll. So if you have strong feelings about anything, this is your chance to make sure it gets reflected in the survey itself.
But, yes, it’s still Korean dramas (though I’m sure “a Chinese drama” will remain a popular ‘Other’ response😂😂). I’m not yet ready to branch out to other content. The Dragon Poll remains the original, Korean, drama poll.
But first things first before we talk about this year’s categories. The complex decision behind what dramas are included or excluded.
What is a 2023 drama?
A 2023 drama is a drama with at least six full-length episodes that ended in 2023. If it started in 2022 but ended in 2023, then it’s in! If it started in 2023 but won’t be finished by the end of the year, then hang onto that thought. It’ll be in scope next year.
We do have a new exception we introduced last year. After the Sweet Home debacle, (and in preparation for what may well be another Sweet Home debacle next year), we’ve decided to allow dramas that aired all their episodes in December of the previous year. This is because Netflix has developed a nasty habit of dropping all episodes of a drama around Christmas. The Fabulous, as an example, is included in this year even though it was entirely in 2022. So if your favourite drama drops in full between now and December 31 then it will be in scope next year.
This year’s categories
Best Drama
Favourite Drama
Worst Drama
Most Underrated
Most Overrated
Best Male Actor
Best Female Actor
Best OST (original soundtrack)
Most stylish production
The one that made you laugh the most
The one that made you cry the most
The one with the best villain
The one with the best romance
The one with the worst romance
The one with the romance that should have been but wasn’t
The one with the best ensemble cast
The one with the worst ending
And this year’s special category is…
Best sequel. In a year filled to the brim with second and third seasons and even spin-offs, it seems appropriate to see which of these fulfilled the potential of their first iteration – and which ones should have stayed on the cutting room floor.
When and where can I vote?
A post with the poll itself will be available in early December and will be open till after Christmas.